
Laravel – 5.1 – Middleware For Input Validation

Actually this article is about form validation using a single middleware. Well, Laravel peovided us many ways for validating our user inputs and my favorite way is using Form Request class which is just awesome. Chexk it here if you are not already aware of that. Using a form request class we can validate the […]


Laravel – 5.1 ACL Using Middleware

It’s been quite a long time I’ve written an article. Last time in 1st January 2015, I’ve written an article about ACL using Laravel-5.0 and I had to write another follow-up article but could not do it for being busy due to my freelancing job. Still now I’m occupied and busy but probably I should […]


Laravel – 5.0 ACL Using Middleware

Well, actually building an ACL (Access Control Layer) in Laravel is really very easy than using a third party package and I always prefer my own implementation. In Laravel – 4x we’ve used Route Filter mechanism to build an ACL but in Laravel – 5.0 now we have Middleware instead of Filter and it’s much […]


WP-CLI – The Command Line Tool For WordPress

Probably the WordPress is one of the most used CMS and blogging platform on the web and also it’s probably the most criticized one in the PHP community as well, because the way it works but not sure about that so pardon me if I’m wrong. Anyways, so whatever it’s but it has dominated the […]


Laravel-5.0 And Routing

Well, Laravel version 5.0 has some major changes in it’s folder structure and it’s really better than before. The new structure separates the Http Layer (The delivery mechanism of a web application) and inside the app directory there is a new Http folder which contains three folders, Controllers, Middleware, Requests and the routes.php file. As […]


Laravel – 5.0 And Middlewares

In Laravel-5.0 we can now use Middlewares instead of filters such as before but Middlewares are not new and was available in Laravel-4 as well. In version-4 if we need a Middleware then we may use a custom Middleware by creating a class and implementing the HttpKernelInterface interface, for example in laravel-4 we can create […]


Laravel Tips – Generate Tablular Data With Actions

It’s a very common task in any web application to make a listing of models/records with actions related with them. Probably it’s not clear what I mean. Let’s see it below: Hope it’s clear now. So, it’s a common task in any web application with a backend where an admin can add, edit or delete […]


Laravel Tips – Update and Persist Config on Runtime

As we all know that Laravel has provided an elegant way to setup application’s configuration using Config class which uses local file system. Using this component we are able to setup our application’s configuration and also we can get any value on runtime and can update it but it’s not persistent. It means, if we […]