
Ajax Helper Functions in WordPress 3.5

On December 11, 2012, WordPress team has released latest version 3.5 with some cool new features. Amongst them WordPress has also introduced some new functions, among those functions there are three brand new Ajax related functions too and these are wp_send_json, wp_send_json_success and wp_send_json_error. These functions would be very useful when dealing with Ajax requests. […]


Customize Admin Bar in WordPress

WorPress adds a fixed menu bar (Admin Bar aka Toolbar) at the top of the screen when user is logged in and the menu bar is visible even when you are at the front end of the site so it’s very helpful to access some admin pages quickly. WordPress allows us to customize the bar […]


Laravel 3 Custom Validation Rule

Laravel provides a number of powerful validation rules including custom validation rules. All of these validation rules are really very handy and easy to use, using these rules (for image validation) you can set allowed mime types for the image, max or min image size in kilobytes etc, for example, to set rules to allow […]


Laravel 3 Helper Functions

Laravel is a clean and classy framework for PHP web development and I’m getting familiar with it and I’m really loving it. Well, Laravel has it’s nice documentation for everything but I didn’t find any documentation on it’s helper functions and I didn’t understand why they didn’t provide any documentation for those really helpful helper […]


Using Anonymous Functions in Laravel 3

I was using Laravel, the PHP framework for the first time for one of my web applications here and it (Laravel) is really awesome. Laravel uses one of the new (since PHP 5.3) feature that is anonymous function or closure (also known as lambada function) in many places including the Validator class and it lets the developer […]

WP-Fiddle WordPress Plugin

Well, this is not an article about how to use jsFiddle instead it’s about a WordPress Plugin which has been developed to embed jsFiddle in WordPress Blog. Although, it’s really easy enough to embed the jsFiddle in to your blog without any plugin but this plugin simplifies the whole process by using a shortcode which you don’t […]


Redirect To Single Post Page

This article is about template redirecting in WordPress using template_redirect hook. This is a very simple but very handy for a WordPress blogger who wants to redirect the user to the single post template/full post view (even if there is only index.php) when there is only one post in the archive/category/tag. It’s helpful to a […]


Show Video In Excerpt

A few days ago I’ve developed a WordPress site and used Viper’s Video Quicktags plugin. The plugin works fine and it’s really awesome but on my site I wanted to use WordPress’ the_excerpt function instead of the_content and also I was trying to show video clips on my index page and that was a problem, […]