Throwable vs. Exception: PHP Error Handling

If you’re a seasoned PHP developer, you’ve undoubtedly worked with Exception handling. But have you ever wondered why PHP 7 introduced Throwable? Is it just a fancy new keyword, or does it offer something substantial? Buckle up, because we’re about to dive deep into the world of error handling in PHP, and by the end […]

Hidden Gems of WordPress – Part 2

This is the second part of my “Hidden Gems of WordPress” series. If you missed the first part then you may check it out but it’s not necessary for this part. In the first part, I’ve discussed about some cool and useful functions that you may already know but why don’t you check it out, […]


Hidden Gems of WordPress – Part 1

For the las two years I’ve started working with WordPress again and re-discovered some hidden gems of WordPress. Here, what I meant by again is that, I wasn’t using WordPress for any kind of web development since 2010 (most probably) and it was because I didn’t have any kind of work related to WordPress and […]


Laravel – 5.1 – Middleware For Input Validation

Actually this article is about form validation using a single middleware. Well, Laravel peovided us many ways for validating our user inputs and my favorite way is using Form Request class which is just awesome. Chexk it here if you are not already aware of that. Using a form request class we can validate the […]


Laravel Tips – Generate Tablular Data With Actions

It’s a very common task in any web application to make a listing of models/records with actions related with them. Probably it’s not clear what I mean. Let’s see it below: Hope it’s clear now. So, it’s a common task in any web application with a backend where an admin can add, edit or delete […]


Laravel Tips – Update and Persist Config on Runtime

As we all know that Laravel has provided an elegant way to setup application’s configuration using Config class which uses local file system. Using this component we are able to setup our application’s configuration and also we can get any value on runtime and can update it but it’s not persistent. It means, if we […]


Laravel Tips – Automatic Input Filtering

Todays topic is about how to filter user inputs automatically to remove commas (thousand separator) before validating. Going to share the way I solved the problem. So, a few days ago I was working on a project of mine where I had to develop a web based accounting software for a travel agent. So I’ve […]