AdonisJs – A Laravel-ish Node Framework

As a web application developer, I mostly work using PHP and Laravel framework as a back end developer and use Javascript for front end, mostly jQuery and other micro libraries. Also, love to code using Angular. So, I’ve a good understanding of Javascript as well but never use it for back end. Well, as Node […]


Bootstrap 3 – One Delete Confirm Dialog For All

There is no need for a brief about twitter bootstrap, we all (web developers) know what is it and we also know the benefits for using the twitter bootstrap in any project. Recently version – 3 of twitter bootstrap has been released and there are some changes has been made in the new version and […]


Detect Ajax Request-Php And Frameworks

Detecting ajax request in PHP is not a very tough task and there are many ways to detect it using client side code, for example, if you send a flag/sign i.e. http://example.com?isAjax=1 with the request to the server and check it on the server side if( isset( $_GET[‘isAjax’] ) && $_GET[‘isAjax’] ) if that variable […]


jQuery Sticky Menu Plugin

This is a very simple jQuery plugin (code sample) which I’ve written for my blog to make the top horizontal menu bar sticky when a user scrolls down the page. Actually there are a lot of sites on the internet (specially blogs) who are using this technique now a days to make the main menu […]


Patterns In Jquery Plugin writing

Well, there is nothing new to write about how to write a jquery plugin,  there are a lots of articles available on the web including jquery site and those are more than enough to learn about writing a jquery plugin. So I’m not going to teach anything new today but instead, I’m trying to discuss […]


Dynamic Google Map By Drag And Drop

Today I’m going to share my recent work experience. A couple of days ago I was working on an online hotel room booking system web application. One of the feature of that application was to allow the admin the ability to add hotels on his site and let him set up the location of the […]


Jquery Smart Horizontal Menu Plugin

This is a jquery horizontal menu plugin. It has no css dependency and not more than one image (optional), so it is very light weight and easy to use. It will be very useful when you have a menu with unlimited ul and li. It has no limitation of sub menus. One more specialty of this […]