Throwable vs. Exception: PHP Error Handling

If you’re a seasoned PHP developer, you’ve undoubtedly worked with Exception handling. But have you ever wondered why PHP 7 introduced Throwable? Is it just a fancy new keyword, or does it offer something substantial? Buckle up, because we’re about to dive deep into the world of error handling in PHP, and by the end […]


PHP’s unserialize: Risks and How to Stay Safe

As a PHP developer with over 16 years of experience, I have witnessed the evolution of PHP security practices. While PHP continues to be one of the most widely used programming languages for web development, its features can sometimes introduce subtle security risks that developers need to be aware of. One such feature is PHP’s […]


FluentCRM – Email Marketing and CRM Plugin

FluentCRM is a brand new email marketing automation and self hosted CRM plugin for WordPress. Whether you want a centralized console for all your customer information or a straightforward approach to grow your subscribers, FluentCRM has something for everyone. You can effectively use it for your marketing campaign and scale your business. You can add […]


Hidden Gems of WordPress – Part 2

This is the second part of my “Hidden Gems of WordPress” series. If you missed the first part then you may check it out but it’s not necessary for this part. In the first part, I’ve discussed about some cool and useful functions that you may already know but why don’t you check it out, […]


Hidden Gems of WordPress – Part 1

For the las two years I’ve started working with WordPress again and re-discovered some hidden gems of WordPress. Here, what I meant by again is that, I wasn’t using WordPress for any kind of web development since 2010 (most probably) and it was because I didn’t have any kind of work related to WordPress and […]


Ninja Tables Dynamic Data Filter

The Ninja Tables is a freemium WordPress plugin which is one of the bests table plugin right now which allows anyone to build any type of HTML table with its powerful column builder very easily. This plugin has a very nice and user friendly interactive UI to build an HTML table even without knowing anything […]


Laravel – Nested Relationship Revised

Back in 2014, I’d posted an article about Model Self Relationship using the title Laravel – Model Relationship To Itself, where I tried to explain how one can make relationship using Eloquent ORM in Laravel to make relationship with a model to load the related models where the related model is the parent model itself. […]


Laravel – 5.1 ACL Using Middleware

It’s been quite a long time I’ve written an article. Last time in 1st January 2015, I’ve written an article about ACL using Laravel-5.0 and I had to write another follow-up article but could not do it for being busy due to my freelancing job. Still now I’m occupied and busy but probably I should […]